Podcast: Brain Basics…Keeping Your Brain Healthy

Podcast: Brain Basics…Keeping Your Brain Healthy

Does your brain need a workout?

In order to have a healthy mind, you must be proactive and take the necessary steps to feed your brain what it needs to perform at its best!

Learn about how to keep your brain healthy with high protein foods, natural supplements, and adaptogenic herbs. 


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0:00  How to increase dopamine with a brainy breakfast

3:26  Get your brain back in just 7 days

4:34  Sugar cravings put you in a position to lose control of your brain

8:29  Supplements and herbs for peak brain performance

11:21  Did you ever feel dumb?

15:28  Toxicity causes inflammation and rapid aging of your brain

12:55 Homeostasis - your internal regulating energy

16:55  Reducing stress with adaptogenic herbs to optimize your brain

23:24  Healthy fat, diabetes, and your brain   

28:23  A better brain means a better life

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