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Rhodiola for Fatigue

Rhodiola for Fatigue

Did you know that one of rhodiola’s greatest attributes is its ability to enhance mental and physical performance while also increasing energy?
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The Wonder Herb - Siberian Ginseng

The Wonder Herb - Siberian Ginseng

Did you know that eleuthero, also known as Siberian ginseng, is the herb primarily responsible for the term adaptogen?

Adaptogens enhance the body’s ability to deal with the many...
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Lycium For Longevity

Lycium For Longevity

Did you know that lycium fruit, or goji berry, is a popular Chinese tonic herb that is believed to promote long life?

Goji is actually a relatively new...

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Benefits of Resveratrol

Benefits of Resveratrol

Do you know about the great benefits of resveratrol?

The term anti-aging gets thrown around a lot, but if any one substance qualifies for the title it would be...

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Stress and Immunity

Stress and Immunity

During stressful situations, the body has a tendency to divert focus away from the immune system, as it sees it as nonessential for short term survival and well-being.

When stress becomes chronic, this can...

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Are You Addicted to Stress?

Are You Addicted to Stress?

Did you know that your body can actually become addicted to stress?

Today, many people are considered to be addicted to stress. The let-down feeling experienced when we are not being challenged or stimulated...
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The Power of Ashwagandha

The Power of Ashwagandha

Did you know that ashwagandha is known as one of the primary adaptogens and has a wide range of benefits?

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Adaptogens and Adrenals

Adaptogens and Adrenals

When a stressful situation occurs, adaptogens can help manage how your adrenal glands react to producing and releasing increased stress hormones.

The daily use of adaptogenic herbs allows...

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Astragalus and Vitality

Astragalus and Vitality

Did you know that the root of astragalus is a primary herb in traditional Chinese medicine, and one of the most important adaptogens?

Astragalus is a...

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Enhancing Your Memory with Clubmoss

Enhancing Your Memory with Clubmoss

Does your memory need a boost?

Huperzine-A, a natural derivative of the Chinese herb called clubmoss, may be the answer to healthy brain function and memory...

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Herbs to Calm: Nature's Answer to Stress and Anxiety

Herbs to Calm: Nature's Answer to Stress and Anxiety

In the fast-paced world we live in, stress and anxiety have become common companions for many.

But did you know that there are a variety of herbs and adaptogens to help your mind as well as your body's stress response?

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The Benefits of Rhodiola - Nature's Adaptogen

The Benefits of Rhodiola - Nature's Adaptogen

Rhodiola, also known as rhodiola rosea, roseroot or golden root, is a herb that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine.

Its resilience and strength have made it known as an "adaptogen" that helps your body adapt to stress and enhances its overall functions.

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