Are You Sleeping Enough?
By now you should already know about the dangers of GMOs (genetically modified organisms). They can cause an increase in inflammation, consumption of pesticides, etc...
Even if you avoid GMO food by going organic, you still may be part of an even larger experiment with genetic modification - one that’s going on with most of the population.
It’s called sleep deprivation and most of us experience it. We’re not talking about extremes either, but something as simple as only getting 6 hours of sleep is considered sleep deprivation.
A study showed that in just one week of sleeping 6 hours a night, over 200 genes were modified. The genes that were down regulated—meaning they lost certain normal functions, were related to weakening your immune system. The genes that were upregulated—meaning they went into hyper drive, were related to increasing tumor growth.
We’re genetically modifying ourselves, simply through a loss of sleep.
Basically, your immune system can shut down and your cancer cells get a boost. All of this only happened in one week. Imagine the damage being done when you follow a sleep pattern that is close to this over your entire lifespan.
Getting a Good Night's Sleep
Sleep deprivation, no matter how trivial the amount, causes the body to go into fight-or-flight, priming you for a downward spiral of health. Combine that with poor food choices, which are automatic when you don’t sleep, it’s easy to see how poor sleep can contribute to obesity and diabetes.
Develop either and you’re on the road to countless chronic health conditions. We all need to understand the role of sleep and how to properly handle it.
HerbWorks makes great formulas for stress relief & brain health - Inner Peace and TianChi, but unless you’re getting a good night’s sleep, it’s like trying to swim upstream. However, it’s never too late to do something about it, and you can start the process now with our formula Sleep and Recover.
Sleep and Recover is designed to help you fall asleep, shut off your stress response, and keep you asleep throughout the night - allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed!
The adaptogens in this formula are the perfect food for your glandular system, which is your body’s own system of homeostasis. By shutting off the stress response while you sleep, your body has a chance to fully relax and allow your adrenals to build real energy.
You'd be surprised how great you can feel after you finally get a full night's sleep.