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Benefits of Schizandra
Reduce Inflammation in Your Brain
A question you might ask yourself is, “How Can I Reduce Inflammation in my Brain?”
The answer to this involves two simple things...
Your Heart's Worst Enemy
Do you realize that stress damages your heart every single day?
The fact is that excessive stress hormone can make the heart beat harder and cause shear stress throughout the entire cardiovascular system.
Nature's Lobotomy - Stress
Choose Life - Choose Ashwagandha
Is stress depleting you in the midst of all this chaos? We have the perfect antidote for these stressful times. It’s called TianChi!
One of the main ingredients in TianChi is ashwagandha...
Lack of Sleep Weakens Your Stress Response
Rhodiola - Anti-Aging For The Brain
Rhodiola can protect your brain against learning and memory impairment and has many other amazing benefits.
This flowering herb, grown at extreme elevation, has so many positive effects on human physiology; it just may be the ultimate adaptogenic herb!
Adaptogens: Food for Your Adrenals
Sleep - More Important than Diet and Exercise
Did you know that sleep is more important than diet and exercise?
It's pretty obvious that all of these are essential to vibrant health. But what would happen if you had to pick just one for a month? Which do you think would be the most important or have the most impact on your health?
Adaptogens - Powerful Detoxifiers
The Peak of Neurogenesis
One of the best discoveries in medical science over the last decade is this idea that our brains can actually grow new neurons - aka neurogenesis.
Since the beginnings of neurology, man has always thought that...