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Balancing Energy and Homeostasis

Balancing Energy and Homeostasis

Did you know that your health has the ability to continually adapt in a way that maintains and enhances your overall well-being?
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Podcast: Is Coconut Oil Poisoning You?

Podcast: Is Coconut Oil Poisoning You?

Did you know there are many great benefits and uses of coconut oil?

Unfortunately, there have been some claims of coconut oil being a poison...

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Podcast: Building Immunity and Recovering from Antibiotics

Podcast: Building Immunity and Recovering from Antibiotics

Building up your immune system is the key to staying healthy. 

Exploring the world of antibiotics, learn about the best way to avoid overuse and...

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Podcast: Adaptogenic Herbs in Inner Peace

Podcast: Adaptogenic Herbs in Inner Peace

Did you know that adaptogens can retrain your body to function at an optimized level?
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Fall Immunity and Brain Tune-Up

Fall Immunity and Brain Tune-Up

Fall is here, and that means it’s time to tune-up your immune system!

Fortunately there’s an easy way to do so with our very own Mushroom Complex. The unique blend of immune building mushrooms, chi tonics, and...

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Podcast: The Speed Molecule

Podcast: The Speed Molecule

Are you properly feeding your brain ?

Learn all about the “speed molecule” acetylcholine - one of the most important neurotransmitters...

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Brainwashing with Restorative Sleep

Brainwashing with Restorative Sleep

It is highly important to your health and well being that you participate in brainwashing everyday, but it’s not the kind you might think. The type of...
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Stress and Your Heart Health

Stress and Your Heart Health

The best place to start improving your cardiovascular health is with the daily use of adaptogens.

Adaptogens can moderate and enhance recovery from the stress response and even help to prevent...

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The Unique Ability of Adaptogens

The Unique Ability of Adaptogens

Adaptogens are in a unique class of their own. Did you know that adaptogenic herbs can improve your body’s ability to recognize, respond, recover, and restore?
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Protecting Your Brain Health

Protecting Your Brain Health

Did you know that using your brain in a positive way impacts your overall health? Sharpening your mind can even begin to protect your brain from...
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Reduce Fatigue, Increase Your Energy

Reduce Fatigue, Increase Your Energy

Did you know that your body can adapt to the way it handles a stressful situation?

Your fight-or-flight response determines when using energy is necessary for survival, and can then decide when...

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How's Your Sleep?

How's Your Sleep?

Did you know that every one of us has an internal biological clock that regulates our body and mind?

This biological clock is also known as our...

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